Saturday, September 1, 2012

Practice search for Rita in Tukwilla

Kelsy and Komu swam in Lake Washington at Luther Burbank Park today after training.  Kelsy likes to find dogs, but she likes fetching balls in the lake better.  This was a great reward for her, hopefully enhancing her search performance.  She found Rita this morning on a short trail in Tukwilla.  Kelsy did not follow the exact trail, which is not unusual.  For the last fifty yards, she just ran straight toward the building where Rita was hidden.  She worked into the wind, which is best for her, but not something we can always count on. It's been so hot and dry for such a long time that I haven't been able to give Kelsy any proper trails to work.  I am looking forward to the rainy season, when it is easier to work Kelsy.