Now for Seattle, WA (98166)
Temp: 74F
Feels like: 74F
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 56%
Wind: WSW at 8 mph
Updated: 9/22/11 2:25 PM PDT
Name: | Track 077 | |
Date: | Sep 22, 2011 1:55 pm | |
Map: (valid until Mar 20, 2012) | View on Map | |
Distance: | 0.71 miles | |
Elapsed Time: | 37:33.8 | |
Avg Speed: | 1.1 mph | |
Max Speed: | 5.8 mph | |
Avg Pace: | 53' 06" per mile | |
Min Altitude: | 219 ft | |
Max Altitude: | 422 ft | |
Start Time: | 2011-09-22T20:55:23Z | |
Start Location: | ||
Latitude: | 47.316718º N | |
Longitude: | 122.257666º W | |
End Location: | ||
Latitude: | 47.316779º N | |
Longitude: | 122.256739º W |
Kelsy followed this scent trail slowly, even though it was less than 24 hours old. I attributed this to the high heat and low humidity. The trail led around the block in a loop almost 1 mile long, and ended right near the point of escape. I imagine that Rudy did a little exploring and then returned home. The neighbors who found him said they picked him up right near his home. They claimed not to have seen Rudy's fliers the previous evening. Another possibility is that they were toying with the idea of keeping him until they saw the large neon posters, the volunteer searchers, and the search dog. They called the owner to report finding him just as Kelsy and I were completing the loop.
I would not have started Kelsy on this search if I had known it would go on for almost a mile. I expected the scent trail would go a few houses and end. Also, the weather map showed rain coming, but that rain evaporated before it reached us.